Thank You!
Dr. Rechel Anderson, Superintendent, would like to especially THANK Ms. Jane Tuttle, President, Paradise Singers of Latitude Margaritaville of Hilton Head(LMHH), for extending an invitation to her, Principal Jefferson, and Principal Raley to the spring concert, “Curtain Up!”.
The theme of the concert was Broadway Musicals, and the song selections were selected by Music Director Brenda Kline, and they were truly wonderful.
Principal Raley attended the concert on the behalf of the district, Friday, May 17 at 6 PM., at the Lake Latitude Clubhouse.
Superintendent Anderson, Principal Raley, and Principal Jefferson look forward to supporting the Paradise Singers and building a partnership through beautiful sounds of music!
Singing loud and proud Ms. Tuttle!
JCSD appreciates you and the Paradise Singers of LMHH for partnering with us!