ALL Jasper County Schools Named Unified Champion Schools!

Monday, October 3, 2022, Dr. Anderson, Superintendent, along with Mrs. Elmore, Director of Special Education, and Mrs. Melissa Lane, Special Education Coordinator/Instructional Coach, celebrate its Special Education Team for its accomplishments.

We are pleased to announce that ALL Jasper County Schools have officially been named Unified Champion Schools! 

The following schools and liaisons will receive grants! 

  1. Ridgeland Elementary School - Mr. Arboine
  2. Ridgeland Secondary 6-8 - Ms. Baltazar
  3. Ridgeland Senior High 9-12 - Mrs. Woodberry
  4. Hardeeville Elementary School - Ms. Gill
  5. Hardeeville Middle School - Ms. Walker
  6. Hardeeville High School - Ms. Gillard
  7. Hardeeville SC preK- Ms. Napari

Special Olympics South Carolina (SOSC) provides funding support for participating Unified Champion Schools (UCS) through Innovation Projects grant funds. This funding is a portion of the UCS funds allotted to state programs from the Department of Education. Funds are awarded to participating schools through a competitive application process. Schools must demonstrate their proposed Innovation Projects are above and beyond the “typical” Unified Champion School initiatives which include:

  • Creating inclusive sports and health programs at the school,
  • Incorporating inclusive youth leadership in the school’s UCS program, and
  • Engagement of the whole school in their UCS program.

Innovation Projects must be sustainable and capacity-building. They must incorporate Special Olympics’ values, principles, and practices. The purpose of an Innovation Project is to create a culture of inclusion which takes the unified movement to a new level at their school.

Innovation Project Grant winner for the Ridgeland Campus is Ms. Mervin - $2500 - Awarded to complete a literacy coffee shop on the campus. 

Innovation Project Grant winner for Hardeeville Elementary is Mr. Mosquito - $1500 - Awarded to complete a Unified Library Project.

Innovation Project Grant winner for Ridgeland Elementary is Dr. Kawash - $1500 - Awarded to complete a Unified Library Project.

Innovation Projects are an important component of the Unified Champion Schools program. They represent a partnership with SOSC which is dedicated to furthering our mission of acceptance and inclusion. These funds have the potential to impact many students within their respective schools, but more importantly, they will serve to shape a generation of children who will encourage and embrace inclusion.

The goal is to complete many projects over the next five years! We are so excited for our students here in Jasper County.