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***South State Bank February Teacher and Para-Professional of the Month***
If you see our "Teachers of the Month" or "Para-professional of the Month" around town, please tell them "thank you." They exhibit the qualities that we expect from the leaders that inspire our leaders of tomorrow.
Each month, JCSD teams up with South State Bank to honor teachers that strive for excellence in the classroom. We offer them a small token of appreciation for taking the initiative to provide our students with a high-quality educational experience.
Congratulations and Thank you to:
Ridgeland Elementary School
RES Teacher of the Month - Samuel Jiles, Jr.
RES Classified Staff of the Month - Sharon Murdock
Hardeeville-Ridgeland Middle School
Mary Walker - Teacher of the Month
Jerdon Bowers - Support Staff of the Month
Ridgeland-Hardeeville High School
Teacher of the month - Yolanda Lanier
Hardeeville Elementary School
Teacher of the Month- Tawanna Chatman (not pictured)
Classified Staff of the Month- Brittney Badger